【活動】敬邀參加 EMI Lecture Series (4/21日):美國約翰霍普金斯大學Lynne Mainzer 教授學術線上演講

最後更新日期 : 2023-05-26

You are invited to attend the webinar delivered by Dr. Lynne Mainzer, Johns Hopkins University, USA.
Contact person:Wan-Ju Chiu
Contact number:03-2118800 ext.3662.3523

Topic of presentation:
Using the Power of Teaming to Advance Implementation Fidelity

Dr. Lynne Mainzer 
Deputy Director of CTE (Center for Technology in Education)
Associate professor at the School of Education
Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Lin-Ju Kang
Graduate Institute of Early Intervention
College of Medicine
Chang Gung University

DATE: April 21 (Friday), 2023
TIME: 20:00 - 22:00 PM
Teams Webinar: https://reurl.cc/MRXG4p
Registration: https://forms.gle/4ViqfmsZph9wLtrK7

Brief profile of Professor Lynne Mainzer: 
Dr. Lynne Mainzer, Deputy Director of CTE and associate professor at the School of Education, has provided leadership as a principal investigator, co-principal investigator, and director for many of the center's largest grant-funded projects since 1993. As the primary architect of Boundless Learning and Boundless Learning Co-Teaching, she leads the ongoing development, implementation, and evaluation of the program in schools nationwide. Prior to joining CTE, she was a special educator in Maryland schools, received an Outstanding Teacher of the Year award, and was one of the first coordinators of the nationally recognized JHU Success for All program.