Seminar in Clinical and Translational Research and Early Intervention
Course description
Translational science is a new concept to integrate clinical treatment needs and basic medical research. Knowledge translation is to fill the gaps
between research (what we know) and practice (what we do), and to apply the research knowledge to clinical practice. The concepts and techniques
of translation has become a current trend of health care research. Researchers advocate developing the models and steps to fill the gap between
research and practice. This course aims to apply the concept of clinical research and knowledge translation to the field of early intervention.
The course includes core lectures, practice and seminar. The core lectures will introduce the links among clinical research, day-to-day practices,
and health policies in early intervention. Lectures will share experiences and examples to facilitate students’ understanding.
Based on the lectures, practices will be arranged to strength the students’ learning outcomes. In the seminar, indepth discussion will focus on how
to apply this knowledge in personal research area. The students will give oral presentations and actively participate in discussion. This course is
offered in English and the discussion and presentation in class will be conducted in English.